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Child Of The Moon (The Rolling Stones)
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.    D        G          D 
The wind blows rain into my face 
             G                   D 
The sun glows at the end of the highway 
  A                           G 
Child of the moon, rub your rainy eyes 
Oh, child of the moon 
           G          F#m             A7    D 
Give me a wide-awake crescent-shaped smile... 
            G                     D 
She shivers, by the light she is hidden 
            G                  D 
She flickers like a lamp lady vision 
  A                          G 
Child of the moon, rub your rainy eyes 
Child of the moon 
           G          F#m             A7    D 
Give me a wide-awake crescent-shaped smile... 
             G                   D 
The first car on the foggy road riding 
             G                D 
The last star for my lady is pining 
      A                         G 
Oh, child of the moon, bid the sun arise 
Oh, child of the moon 
           G         F#m           G      F#m 
Give me a misty day, pearly gray, silver, silky faced 
G          F#m             A7    D 
Wide-awake crescent-shaped smile...

TheRollingStones-Music - All Rights Reserved Sylvain Dollé.

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