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Anybody Seen My Baby (The Rolling Stones)
M.Jagger/K.Richards/K.D. Lang/B. Mink
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She confessed her love to me
Then she vanished on the breeze
Trying to hold on to that
Was just impossible

She was more than beautiful
Closer to ethereal
With a kind of down to earth flavor

Close my eyes
It's three in the afternoon
Then I realize
That she's really gone for good

Anybody seen my baby
Anybody seen her around
Love has gone and made me blind
I've looked but I just can't find
She has gotten lost in the crowd

I was flippin' magazines
In that place on Mercer Street
When I thought I spotted her

Getting on a motor bike
Looking rather lady like
Didn't she just give me a wave?

Salty tears
It's three in the afternoon
Has she disappeared
Is she really gone for good

Anybody seen my baby
Anybody seen her around
If I just close my eyes
I reach out and touch the prize
Anybody seen her around

Anybody seen my baby
Anybody seen her around
If I just close my eyes
I reach out and touch the prize
Anybody seen her around

Lost, lost and never found
I must have called her a thousand times
Sometimes I think she's just in my imagination

Lost in the crowd

TheRollingStones-Music - All Rights Reserved Sylvain Dollé.

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