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Under My Thumb (The Rolling Stones)
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.            Em          D        C
1. Under my thumb's the girl who once had me down,
               Em          D        C
    under my thumb's the girl who once pushed me around,
                  G       C                  A
    it's down to me, the diff'rence in the clothes she wears,
                  Em                  D           C         G
    it's down to me, the change has come, she's under my thumb.
               Em         D                 C
2. Under my thumb`s a squirming dog who`s just had her days,
               Em        D            C
    under my thumb's a girl who has just changed her ways,
                  G       C                  A
    it's down to me, the way she does just what she's told,
                  Em                  D           C         G
    it's down to me, the change has come, she's under my thumb.
              Em        D       C
3. Under my thumb's a Siamese cat of a girl,
               Em               D       C
    under my thumb she's the sweetest pet in the world,
                  G        C                  A
    it's down to me,  the way she does just what she's told,
                  Em                  D           C         G
    it's down to me, the change has come, she's under my thumb.
              Em        D             C
4. Under my thumb her eyes are just kept to herself,
               Em          D            C
    under my thumb, well, I can still look at someone else,
                  G       C                         A
    it's down to me, the way she talks when she's spoken to,
                  Em                  D           C         G
    it's down to me, the change has come, she's under my thumb.

TheRollingStones-Music - All Rights Reserved Sylvain Dollé.

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