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Tumbling Dice (The Rolling Stones)
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intro: (B) 
      People thing i'm crazy, they're always tryin' to waste me 
      Make me burn the candle right down 
        F#  B  F#  B      E                          F# 
      But baby, baby, i don't need no jewels in my crown 
      Cause all you wimen is low down gamblers, 
      Cheatin' like i don't Know how, 
        F#  B F#  B  E                                F# 
      But baby,baby, there's fever in the funk house now 
      This low down bitchin' got my poor feet a itchin', 
      Don't you know that duece's stay wild. 
      F# B  F#       B                E 
      Baby, i can't stay, you got to roll me 
            F#                  B 
      And call me the tumbling dice. 
      Always in a hurry, you never stop to worry, 
      Don't you see the time flashin' by. 
      F#  B         F#  B       E                     F# 
      Honey, got no money, I'm sixes and sevens and nines 
      Say now, baby, i'm a rank outsider, 
      You can be my partner in crime. 
        F#  B   F#       B 
      But baby, i can't stay 
                E         F# 
      You got to roll me and call me the tumblin', 
          E              F#                      B 
      got to roll me and call me the tumbling dice. 
      Oh my, my, my, i'm the lone crap shooter, 
      Playin' the field every night 
       F# B  F#      B 
      Baby, can't stay 
                E            F# 
      You got to roll me and call me the tumbling, 
         E                F#                    B 
      Got to roll me and call me the tumbling dice. 
               E     B         E    B         E      B     E  B  E  B 
      Got to roll me, got to roll me, got to roll me...

TheRollingStones-Music - All Rights Reserved Sylvain Dollé.

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