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Sweet Virginia (The Rolling Stones)
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intro:(A E A D A D B7 A D B7 A D B7 A D A E A) 
      D                   B7           A 
      Wading through the waste stormy winter 
            D              B7                A 
      And There's not a friend to help you through 
      D                    B7                  A    D 
      Trying to stop the waves behind your eyeballs 
      A              E                     A 
      Drop your reds drop your greens and blues 
       D                  B7         A 
      Thank you for your wine, California 
       D                  B7                A 
      Thank you for your sweet and bitter fruits 
       D                   B7             A  D 
      Yes, i've got the desert in my toenail 
      A             E                A 
      And hid the speed inside my shoes 

CHORUS -----------------------------------------
               D             B7            A 
      But come on, come on down sweet Virginia 
     D                B7            A 
      Come on honey child i beg of you 
     D                  B7                A   D 
      Come on, come on down you got it in you 
     A                    E                    A   D A 
      Got to scrape that shit right off your shoes
       D B7 A D B7 A D B7 A D A E A D A

TheRollingStones-Music - All Rights Reserved Sylvain Dollé.

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