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Soul Survivor (The Rolling Stones)
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D2  D  Bb Bb2  Bb G G2 G 
               When waters is rough,  
D2  D  Bb Bb2  Bb G G2 G 
               Sailing is tough  
D2  D  Bb Bb2  Bb G G2 G 
               I`ll will drown in your love  
C                                           F 
youve got a cut throat crew, Im gonna sink under you 
Bb                              C                   D 
I got the bell bottom blues, Its gonna be the death of me  
D2  D  Bb Bb2  Bb G G2 G 
               Its the graveyard watch 
D2  D  Bb Bb2  Bb G G2 G  
               running right on the rocks 
D2  D  Bb Bb2  Bb G G2 G  
               Ive taken all of the knocks 
C                                          F  
Aint giving me no quarter, Id rather drink sea water 
Bb                                   C              D 
I wish Id never had brought yer, Its gonna  be the death of me 
C           C2   C  repeat riff 3-4 times 
Soul Survivor  
D2  D  Bb Bb2  Bb G G2 G 
               when youre flying the flag  
D2  D  Bb Bb2  Bb G G2 G 
               my confidence sags  
D2  D  Bb Bb2  Bb G G2 G 
               ill be packing my bags  
C                            F 
stow away at sea, there`ll be a mutiny 
Bb                        C                    D 
Ill get off on bail(?) Its gonna be the death of me 
C           C2   C  repeat riff 3-4 times 
Soul Survivor

TheRollingStones-Music - All Rights Reserved Sylvain Dollé.

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